1 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 3. 1915 VERDICTS IN CIVIL POLICE COURT SUITS Damages of $35 Awarded to Agawam Man in Suit Over Cow Purchase. Damages of $35 were awarded Frank to Hi. Campbell in a finding a returned by James Maspo his suit against Special Justice T. F.
Malley in Civil P'olice Court yesterday. Both parare of Aguwam. Mr. Maspo claimed that on Jan. 6 he purchased three cows for $182.50 from the defendant and paid $10 on account.
The next day, he declared, he WAS informed by Mr. Campbell that the cows were sold to another person and that the person refused his to deliver them in accordance with agreement. Mr. Maspo claimed that he suffered $800 damages by the failure to receive the cows. Atty.
William G. DcKochnie appeared for the plaintiff and Scott Adams was for the defendant. folOther findings returned were as lows: Charles TV. Ramsdell of this city against Daniel. J.
Collins of Agawam, action in replevin to recover two autos, finding for the defendant for a return of tho goods and damages assessed in the sum of $1 by Special Justice L.yford; Atty. William E. Hayes for plaintiff and Atty. Scott Adams for the defendant. William H.
King against Louis Radper, both of this city, suit to recover $300 on 1. note, defendant sues for $325 in set off; finding for the defendant in the set off with damages of $162.51: Atty. D. E. Webster for the plaintiff and Atty.
Raymond A. Bidwell for tho defendant. Samuel W. Alderman of Sumield against Dr. Erdix T.
Smith of this city. suit for $150 for professional services; Special Justice Lyford: Atty. A. 15. finding for the defendant by Snow for the plaintiff and Atty.
George H. Hughes for the Defendant. Liberty Machine and Manufacturing Company against Kleensweep Manufacturing Company, both of this city, suit for $605.12 on an account for merchandise: damages of $234.79 for the plaintiff by Special Justice Lyford; Atty. Harlan I'. Small for the plaintiff and Ballard Weston for the defendant.
Deborah Schreiber against HI. Cohen and Albert Freedman, all of this city, suit to recover $429.50 on account: damages of $225.91 for the plaintiff as against the defendant Cohen only by Special Justice Malley: Atty. H. N. Cross for the plaintiff and Atty.
Josiah Dearborn for the defendant. OPENED GAS JET FURNISHES CLUE Eva Thurber and Patrick Dady Arrested on Statutory Charge. Eva Thurber and Patrick Dady were arrested at o'clock yesterday morning in A lodging house at Main Street, by Patrolman Daniel J. Twohig, charged with 3 statutory offense. They were taken before Judge Ileady in Police Court, where both pleadde guilty.
Dady was ordered to pay a fine of $20 and was given time to pay, while the Thurber woman's case was continued until April 5 for disposition. Officer Twohig's attention was called to the pair by the landlady at Main Street. She said that she feared something had happened to them, as she could smell gas coming out of their room. Officer Twohig forced the door and found the Thurber woman lying upon the bed in a serious condition. A gas jet was found open.
Before. she was taken to headquarters the woman revived sufficiently to talk. She admitted that she was not married, and told the officer who her companion was. Tho officer then went in search of Dady and found him in 3 hotel by. He was taken back to the room, and after being questioned was taken into custody.
Dady insisted when first questioned that be was married. but later admitted the truth. The Thurber woman revived quickly and within an hour was able to attend court. According to the landlady late Thursday night her attention wag called to the room by escaping gas, and upon entering room found a jet open. She said that the Thurber Woman told that she had blown it out.
The police do not think that the woman attempted suicide, but rather that she knew so little about gas that she was ignorant of the effect of an open jet. he John Fairchild, who Thursday pleaded guilty to a charge of indecent exposure, was sentenced to serve six months in the House of Correction, and sentence was suspended during gOOd behavior. The assault charge to which he had pleaded not guilty was fled away. Joseph Dean of 93 Washburn Street was found not guilty on A charge of violating the traffic regulations. He was arrested, Thursday by Patrolman Alexander Gray at Bridge and Dwight Streets: The officer said that Dean, a teamster, dropped a couple of pieces of furniture from his wagon onto the car tracka, and nerdlessly delayed a mail car while removing it.
Dean testifled that he used all the haste possible, and on the strength of the story he was discharged. SOFAN AND ABBAS PLEAD NOT GUILTY Charged with Sending Improper Letter Through Mails. Ali Sofan of 121 Congress Street and Joseph T. Abbas of 181 Sylvester Street, who were arrested Thursday by Deputy United States Marshal Edward J. Leyden and Inspectors James T.
Ralche and Frank W. Quilty, charged with violating the United States penal code by sending obscene matter fore ugh United States Commissioner John through the mails, were arraigned beL. Rice yesterday and pleaded not guilty to the charges. They were released under $500 bonds each for 3 hearing before Commissioner Rice at 11 o'clock on the morning of April 13. Atty.
James E. Dunleavy appeared for Abbas and Atty, William G. McKechnie appeared for Sofan. The complainant in the case is George T. Moffitt of 185 Sylvester Street.
Tie charges that the men sent a letter containing improper language to his father. AGAWAM. visiting her AGAWAM, April 2-The funeral of Willis C. Campbell took place this afternoon in the Congregational Crurch. Rev.
F. I. von der Sump and Rev. Walter Rice officiated. The Henschel quartet sang "Lead Kindly Light" and "Nearer, My God to The." Bearers were members of tho Odd Fellows, and the services at the grave were conducted by the societies of which Mr.
Campbell was a member. Burial was in tho Center Cemetery. There will be Easter sermons and music in each church here Sunday morning, and in the evening there will be Sunday school concerts. Miss Martha J. Phillips, Springfield, is a guest of Miss Blancho Bodurtha.
Migg Phillips is a student in Columbia College, and is passing her Easter vacation here. Mrs. Joseph Newton, Greenfeld, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. L.
Covill. IS TROUBLE MAKER, WITNESSES ALLEGE BIG INCREASE IN PROBATION WORK 'Bernard T. J. Smyth Completes First Year as Court Official. UNOFFICIAL REPORT Gain of 571 in Number of Cases Handled, Exclusive of Women.
On April 1 Probation Officer Bernard T. J. Sinyth of Police Court observed the first anniversary of his appointment as probation officer, and, to give dull idea of the work dono during the year, gave out an unofficial report of what had been accon.plished. The report shows that the work of the probation officer for the year beginning April 1, 1014, and ending Thursday, has increased greatly over that of the previous year. Last year there were 70: probation BERNARD T.
J. SMYTH. OIl probation. SUPERIOR COURT DECISION STANDS Exceptions of Holyoke Junk Dealer Overruled by 1, Higher Tribunal. Police Court Probation Officer.
cases, exclusive of women, as compared with 132 for the year before, making an increase of. 571 cases for the year. DurAnes as compared with $706.20 the the last vear $1029 was collected in previous year: $107.50 wag retired as restitution, compared with nothing the year before; WAS received on non-support CASCS. as compared with $2617.55 the year previous: $3 was received from other sources. This made a total of $8027.75 received from all sources, compared with $3323.75 for the previous year.
These figures show increases of $322.80 in fines collected, $4270.70 in collections from nonsupport cases, and making a total increase in collections of $4704, that counting $107.50 received from restitution and $3 from another source. Tue number of drunkenness petitions signed also shows a difference in figures between the two years. Last year 1229 true petitions were signed, against 1574 tho year before. There were 42 petitions found to he false, compared with 11 in the year previous. There were 971 men who did not sign petitions, compared with 1268 during the previous year, making a total of drunkenness cases.
including both signed and unsigned. of 2242. compared with 2853 for the previous, year. In the past year 1137 prisoners were released without arraignment, compared Aith 793 during the year previous. On April 1.
1915, there were 340 cases still city ordinances. MORAN ADMITTED TO BAR. Exceptions of Wolf Silverman. a junk dealer of Holyoke, to the ruling of Judge William Hamilton in finding him guilty of violating the city ordinances of Holyoko, by dealing in Junk without a license, are overruled in a decision of the Supreme Judicial Court, the rescript of which was filed in the clerk of court's office yesterday. Mr.
Silverman sold junk and old metal in Holyoko to a Mr. Belsky, who was a licensed junk dealor in that city. There was no evidence that he purchased or bartered junk or old metals in that city. Mr. Silverman had a license to deal in and keep junk in South Hadley, but not in Holyoke, and when his case came up at the last December criminal sitting of Superior Court a verdict of "guilty as a a a a a 8 dealer but not guilty as a keeper of a a shop" was made by Judge Hamilton.
At tho request of the defendant all questions of law arising upon the agreed facts were reported to the' Subremo Court for determination and this court found that the sales referred 10 made the defendant a dealer within the meaning of section 29 of the Holyoke Henry Augustine Moran, aged 27 years, of 685 Sumner Avenue, was adinitted 10 the Hampden County Bar by Judge Hamilton in Superior Court yesterday. Mr. Moran 1s a connect- gradnate of the law school ed with Yale University. Ho wag admitted to the Connecticut bar Juno 26, 1908, and practiged law In that Stato until October 1911. Mr.
Moran has charge the liability department of the Traveler's Life Insurance Company in Springfield. He was recommended by Atty. William I. Brooks. By the fumigation of incoming vessels in the port of Now York it in estimated that 50,000 rats are killed annually.
JOHNSON'S) BOOKSTORE Bookstore Building. 391 Main Street. Saturday Special. Easter gift booklets, many guisite forms, that were 15c to 233, all 10c. Main door.
Very Choice Taster Display. ROOKS. STATIONERY, PICTURES. I'rompt attention to mall orders. HEI HERSEY'S OUT OF THE HIGH, RENT DISTRICT EASTER IS NEAR Why Not Make the Easter Spirit Prominent in Your Home Come in and let us suggest things to refreshen the home.
A Few New Pieces for the Parlor Solid mahogany chair, with upholstered tapestry scat, and decorated on back with $23.50 Solid mahogany rocker to Solid mahogany chair, with seat and back upholstered in tapestry $23.40 Rocker to match. Only one day left to get one of our Special Kitchen Cutlery Hersey Furniture Co. 31-35-37 Worthington St. n. Myrick Building Hotel Worthy Special Easter Dinner SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 12 to 4 and 6 to 9 $1.50 Special Music 1 to 3 and 6 to 9 All this week Miss Cram and Mr.
Lane will demonstrate the Spring Enchantment, a new dance. "GO TO LAW ABOUT IT." "Go to Law" Then Go Fishing. The dandiest stock of fish tackle that ever delighted amateur or stager." LAW The Hardware Stan 262 Main St. Next Nelson Theater. An Extra Bathroom What a great convenlence AD extra bathroom 1n your home would be.
This is especially true when you tertain guests. The investment may Dot be as large as JOU have thought. SEE OS ABOUT IT. Wyckoff Lloyd Co. Heating and Plambing.
19 WORTHINGTON. TEL. 100. A Minute from Broadway." "Everybody's Doing It." But be amply protected with INSURANCETravel by Our tures Service that includes make fpa- our policies highly desirable. Automobile 451 US.
(J. S. WOODALL CO. Tel. Agents for Globe Rutgers l'ire Ins.
Co. 5172 29 Worthingtou St. My rick Bide. Resinol RESINOL SINOL certainly does heal eczema our file of reports, covering a period of twenty years, literally thousands of physicians tell how successful the Resinol treatment is for eczema and similar skin troubles. The first use of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soapusually stops the itching and burning, and they soon clear away all trace of the eruption.
No other treatment for the skin now before the public can show such a record of professional approval, Sold by all druggista. For trial free, write to Dept. 10-S, Resinol, Baltimore, Ad. SANI-FLAT An ideal paint for Inside work. Is changeable, washable, hygienic, pomical.
Easy to apply. $2 per Gallon. F. L. Hewes Inc.
Tel. 318. and 10 Harrison ATA HORLICK'S The Original MALTED MILK Unless you say "HORLICK'S" you may get a Substitute. Union Want Ads. Bring Results.
THE BIG MARKET Food Specials for Easter Small Pig lbs. Hams each 16c lb. Weighing 10 to 14 Principal of Howard Street School Testifies Against Frank Sarno. John Sarno, who pleaded guilty to a charge af assault with a dangerous weapon 011 Abraham Hassal was ordered committed to the Massachusetts Reformatory by Judge loady in Police Court This disposition was made after several reputable witnesses had told the court that Sarno had been a trouble-. maker for some time, and that on sevoral occasions he was a known to have: carried a razor.
Sarno was arrested as the result of a cutting affair in du poolroom at 205 Chestnut Street Monday afternoon. There was some trouble over a game of pool and Sarno drew a razor from his pocket, with which he slashed Hassan, an employe of the place. The razor inflicted a deep cut on the left side of the head, but the cut did not prove serious. Principal Frank TT. Doane of the Howard Street School, who' also 'is principal of the evening school, told the court that on one occasion a razor was found on the sebool steps, which afterward was claimed by Sarno.
Ile said, also, that Sarno repeatedly caused others trouble, and had tho name of; always carrying a razor. Sarno denied that he usually carried a razor. Ho said that the razor he carried Monday belonged to his brother, and he was taking it to be honed. Michael F. Canary of Indianapolis, pleaded guilty to a charge of VAgrancy, and his case was continued until Monday for disposition.
Canary, according to records carried on his person, was dishonestly discharged from 1 United States navy at Charlestown navy yard Thursday after charges preferred against him had been sustained. He was picked up on suspicion by Patrolman J. Crowley at. Hampden and Water Streets at 1.15 o'clock yesIterday. searched at headquarters, the police say, Canary Was found to be carrying obscene picture.
His case wil he investigated before it comes 11 for disposition. Samuel Laving of 125 Ferry Street Burfey Diduke of 251 Ferry Street and not guilty to charges of breach of the peace. After a hearing Lavino was found guilty and ordered to pax while Diduke was discharged. According to Patrolman Thomas Maloney, who arrested them at North and Sharon Streets Thursday, Diduke was chased by Lavine and two other inen. Ile said that near North and Sharon Streets they caught up with Diduke, and Lavine immodiately began to punch him.
Diduke, the officer said, apparently struck back in self-defense. This version of the trouble also was given by, Diduke. Lavine insisted that all he chased Diduko for was 10 ask him about a debt which Diduke refused anybody. to pay. Judge He Heady denied decided striking that and Diduke had acted in self-defense ordered him discharged.
He told Lavine that in future when he had griovances against other men, to bring them to the police, rather than take matters into his own hands. William C. Burrows, who recently pleaded guilty to the larceny of A bicycle from Harold Little, was ordered to pay a fine of $20. The fine was po.il by his father. Burrows was arrested in Holyoke on 3.
warrant issued by the local police. Now charges of vagrancy were brought against. Alfred Norberg cf East Providence, K. and Anthony Terpiloski of Boston, who were arrested for track walking March 19, and the old charges of track walking were continued from day to day. The defendants pleaded guilty the charges and the cases were continued until Monday for sentence.
Frank Opedisonti, who Monday was found guilty on a charge of indecent exposure and ordered to serve three months in the House of Correction, withdrew his appeal and was taken to York Street Jail to begin sentence. MONDAY ENTRY D.AY. is entry day for cases in Court. The April jury -waived is made up. Judge William Wait will preside at the Jurysitting which comes in Tuesday, "THE nigg*r." Monday Superior trial list Cushing waived April 20.
The William Fox production of Fidward Sheldon's celebrated play, "The received a wonderful testimonial recently when it was selected by the Hippodrome in New York as the second in a series of motion pictures now being shown at that gigantic Broadway playhouse. The marvelous and acting the of fine the work star, of William the rest of Farnum, the cast, combined with the detail to staging taken by the director, Edgar Lewis, makes the picture what is considered New York critics to be one of the modern masterpieces of the screen. When shown -In the Hippodrome "The nigg*r" brought the regular prices charged for all performances at that theater. "The nigg*r" will be at Fox's Nelson Theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April $, 9 and 10. BUILDING PERMITS.
The following building permits were by Commissioner Lumis yesterday: City of Springfield, Summer Street, alterations in storage building, $100: city of Springtield, alterations in Forestry Building in Pecousic Avenue, $750; George Farmer, Pemaquid Street, addition. house, $500; John Dunn, 90-92 Melrose Street, addition to house, $525. GIPSIES RELEASED. Arraigned in Athol District Court for Vagrancy. ATTIOL, April 2-Mary and Maria Costello were arraigned in District Court this morning, charged with va.grancy, and Reisto Costello was charged with violating the town bylaws.
They entered a plea of guilty and were represented com by Atty. A. F. Hamilton. On recommendation of Chief of Polico Murphy, the cases against them were fled, provided they leave town immediately.
The trio are members of a gang of gipsies. They departed in the direction of Orange. These special police officers wore anpointed this morning by Selectmen: Frank A. Lindsey, Richard Noonan, Henry Vennette, William G. Lord, George Felkey, Thomas Ward: police surgeon, Dr.
J. Arthur Smith. Paris Ins a theater with a reversible floor, one side being intended for and the other for the seats. If You Want The most painstaking Examination by the latest and best unethiods. The most accurately glasses.
'The Inost date frames and mountlugs. In short, it you value your eyes, comfort aad looks, Call on Scantlebury Monroe Registered Optometrists. Lyman Bldg. 374 Main St. Special Reduced Prices Swift's Sperry Premium Barnes' and Hams COTTAGE HAMS SMOKED SHOULDERS, THE TOLMAN HAMS, Mild.
Sweet, Pickled, Unsmoked, STRIPS OF BACON, FANCY FRESH LAID NORTIIERN SPECIAL, PRICE FOR Extra Quality Beef 5-Rib Roasts, Cut Any Size, 1Sc, 20c and 22c Boneless Rolls, 14c, 16c and 18c Boneless Rib Roasts, 20c and 22c Round Steak, and FRESH CUT HAMBURG STEAK, Small Pig Loins, 15c From Fresh Killed Pigs. Cut Any Size, and 1Sc Stall Pork Shoulders, 12c and 13c Very Choice Pork Buts, Fresh lams, Lard, LOC PICKLED BEEF TONGUES, 40 Varieties of Ready Cooked Food All Ready to Serve. Poultry, Meats, Salads, Puddings and Many Delicacies All at Popular Prices. LIVER, Strawberries, 2 doz. Navel 16 Florida Blood Oranges, 8 Juicy 25e Baldwin Apples, to' 33c Fresh Made Vermont Butter, Elgin Butter, Rich Old Cream Cheese, Mild Cream Cheese, Fancy Sage Cheese, Edam Cheeses, 30c, 70c and $1.10 Pineapple and 65c ROQUEFORT CHEESE LIMBURGER CHEESE Tango Sardines, 3 Alaska California Red Prunes, Salmon, 4 2 Evaporated Peaches, 4 Dc for This Sale Only on and Bacon (Very without nice bones 18c LB.
IC and 12c Tender and Delicious. 15c, 16c and 1 SC EGGS. EASTER, 1 $1.00 Fancy Poultry 5 to 6-1b. Chickens, Medium Size Chickens, 3-1b. Chickens, to 22c Stewing Fowls, Large Fancy Fowls, 1 Turkeys, and 25c Legs of Lamiy, and 25c Forequarters, 13c and 15c PENN YAN VEAL Steaks, 40c Chops, Roasts, Fresh -Caught Carolina Shad.
Fresh Spanish Mackerel. Extra Fancy Striped Bass. Lobsters, Clams, Scallops, Oysters and Many Other Varicties of Sea Food. The Very Latest in Easter Ties To our Easter show of neckwear we have added some stunning ties just arrived from Ireland--genuine Irish poplins made by Richards, Atkinson Co. of Dublin, Ireland-handsome silk four-inhands in a wonderful variety of colors--ties of beauty and durability that will not crush.
Special for Easter at 61.00 Hundreds of other stunning ties including the most exclusive productions in America at $1.50, 52 and 83. The Knox Silk Hats Will Head the Parade As usual the Knox silk hat will be first in the Easter parade--and there is still time to choose yours. Shown in the new straight shape or the tapering French style, $10. All That's New in Easter Gloves Our own Sawtell gloves famous for style and quality and other famous makes -fine kid cape gloves as well as the popular new fabric gloves both imported and domestic. A Thousand Shirts An Easter shirt now, unrivaled for style, beauty and exclusiveness, including the new crepe shirts, the very latest and smartest.
At 81.50, 82, 52.20 and S3. J. 0. SAWTELL The Haberdasher 478 MAIN STREET Mar Lewisc A CON OPT 2 ME A Series of Eye Talks No. 47 ONE cases of eyc trouble are very simple.
On the other hand, some are extremely complicated. And the average person cannot hope to determine just how serious his eye trouble may be. This being the case, docsn't it seem to be following the wisest course to consult an Oculist--a physician who specializes in eye treatment--whenever there is any reason to believe that the eyes need attention? Certainly your eyes are worth it. Just be careful--if your Oculi orders glasses you -to take prescription to a thoroughly skilleds experienced Optician. 331 MAIN ST.
Haynes Oppoaite Co.) Stores in Hartford and New Haven. YOCP eyeS need attention, drop in to see We will be able to make suggestions that you will sound and helpful, This "Talk" 18 one of series which has been copyrighted. All rights reserved. Broken Stone of Best Quality from Our Trap-Rock Quarries at Westfield, Mass. Furnished in suitable size.
for concrete bulling of all kinds, macadam and other work, etc. Delivery by rail to all pointe on Boston Albany R. Boston Jaine R. R. (Conn.
River Divisien). N. Y. N. I.
H. R. K. (Northampton Division), JOHN S. LANE SON INCORPORATED.
P. 0. BOT 1477. MASS. Telephone 448.
Gc Lettuce, Dandelions, Beet Greens, Spinach, Cucumbers, 2 Rhubarb, 10c Tomatoes, California Asparagus. New Potatoes, New Cabbage. Hot Cross Buns, Extra Large Special Buns, doz. 15c Marshmanow Layer Chocolate Mocha Speciat Doughnuts, Old- Fashioned Crullers, Lady Fingers, IOC Macaroons, Tea Water Butter Parker House Rolls 10 Doz. Sandwich Sunrise Milk, 4 Peerless Milk, 3 Van Camp'a Milk, 3 Rood Woodbury Co.
Everything Good to Eat Springfield's Largest Hardware Store A Minute from Main St. 40-Special Phone Service-10 Get in on This New TROUT TACKLE MEN! It's wonderful all of the old ideas in new equipment and many clever new ideas. Rods, Reels, Hooks, Landing Nets, Bait Bails and Special Baits. Real Salmon Eggs (for bait) in 25c cans. Special -Split bamboo fly rod, 9 and fect, shaped grip, 4 and oz.
in weight $5.00 Valley Steel Rods at Thic. 0.0 C. ALDERMAN 229 227 Worthington St. HARDWARE OF QUALITY BICYCLE SEASON ISHERE Buy Four wheel early and get the benefit of the long season. Forest Park Bicycles with coaster brakes, roller chain, mudguards, sprig saddle, $25, Bora' and Girls' Fay Bicycles, $24 aur $2.1.
Full line of Bicycle Sundries. Baseball, Lawn Tennis Goods and Fisbing Tackle. S. B. Call CALL THE ON Sons TOY CALL 26 torton Worth Rt.
SHOP JOHN D. SMITH, Druggist 271 Malm Street Cor. Taster St. CANDIES FOR EASTER Knoepp's Easter Novelties, Chirkens, Candies, consisting of l'af Kabbits, Nests and Easter EggS for the children Sc and 100 JIGH-GRADE CHOCOLATES "Salted Nuts," Almonda" and dellcious "After -Dinner for jour table. GIFT PACKAGES: in Inyler's Bonbons and Chocolates -Lowney's ChocolatAs.
Lenox, Kibbe's, Apollo, in dainty boxes, 300. 400, G0c. $1.00 SPECIAL Tossolyn's Assorted Chocolates, the 1-Ji. Red and Gold 330 equal of some for chocolates. COAL Best coal and lowest prices in run a black haut treat you white.
HAYHURST COAL 414 Main St. Tel. 152 -IT and 9206-W. Red Top Rye in nourishing and its absolute purity. Reduced Cash Coal P'rices fitero and Err T'eu Nut 150 per ton.
M. Ehrlich Coal Co. 103 4TREET. Phones 1820 and 1190. Near Bijou Theater R.
4180. A REGULAR DINNER Will Be Sorred Every Evening at 6 p. m. HIGHLAND HOTEL. by P'hilharmonie orchestra.
Sipe rial for parties and quota. in every room. Business wen's lunch from 11.30 to p. wyc. D.
Co. ADVERTIsem*nT. How American Women May Keep Faces Young "Tho American woman carly, far than Jingli4h 102 1." Christian Miller, I. 1'. 1.
the English health export. that our elhuate bilarates that over-exort your olvea and old before you know it. That same exhilarating Di dries the -him. The akin that lark4 taro grow A pale and withered looking mud 94.00 "'The American f4 host treated by applying pure which causes the faded. lifelo44 cuticle Aako off in minute little carl until the fresh, Sonne skin henroth a holly in 0: bit wax: Gotta iont.
Spread GU al. night; 111; cold war bing 11. off' next morning. l'or of pOwderet 11 Be But it. bagel: bathe tho f.at in the every ix a To 4: I 0 lines.
Both treatment- Jul to. ADVERTISE IN THE UNION..